Credit Counting

Which courses count as Social Science versus Natural Science?

Because psychology is so diverse a subject, we require that every student take at least two courses from the social science point of view in psychology and at least two from the natural science point of view. To determine what courses fulfill these requirements please use the attribute search feature at

Also, please do not confuse this distinction with the Sc (Science) and So (Social Science) university distribution requirements. For instance, some of the psychology courses that are counted as So are courses taking the natural science point of view.  

Which courses count as core courses?

Core courses are survey courses that introduce students to major areas of psychology and provide additional background for more advanced courses. Only introductory level courses (100-level courses) that end in zero can count as core courses. These include. PSYC 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, & 190. Note that you must take two core course total, one from the Social Science side of psychology and one from the Natural Science side of psychology. Also note that these courses are not necessarily offered every year, so you may need to plan ahead.

How can I know if the course I really want to take will be offered next year?

The course schedules for a given term are set early in the preceding term, in time to be available prior to course registration. We are sometimes able to post courses for subsequent semesters, but that is not always possible do to changing faculty schedules. Also, note that many 400-level seminars closely track faculty interests from year to year, and that many professors teach a particular seminar only once.

Can I count a course outside of the psychology department for psychology major credit?

This is possible in rare circumstances, but the decision to count a course outside the major will be decided on a case-by-case basis via petition to the DUS. To petition to count a course outside the psychology major, you will need to email the DUS with the following information:

(1) a copy of course syllabus

(2) a copy of the course reading lists.

How do I know if the course I really want to take will have enough spaces (and what happens if I get shut out)?

Sadly, there is no real way to determine which courses will need to be lotteried until shopping week. That said, there are certain important courses that are limited/lotteried nearly every year. For example, research methods courses are almost always limited (this is due to the need for computer and other facilities that only hold a limited number of students). For this reason, research methods courses often tend to be over-subscribed. We therefore strongly suggest that you plan to take one of these courses before your senior year.

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