Advising Information


Dr. Yarrow Dunham

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Psychology

Office hours:

Summer office hours by appointment


Dr. Stephanie Lazzaro

Neuroscience Track Advisor
Office: 100 College St, Room 1272
Office Hours: By appointment via email
Area: Neuroscience

Dr. Arielle Baskin-Sommers
Clinical and Graduate School Advisor
Office: 100 College St, Room 1427
Office Hours: by appointment via email
Area: Clinical

Fredericka Grant 
Department Registrar
Office: 100 College St, Room 1420H
Office Hours: by appointment via email

Emily Cohodes
Graduate Assistant DUS
Advising hours: 
Fridays 12-2pm
Or by appointment
Area: Clinical
Emily is available to meet with students to discuss course selection, senior and graduation requirements, theses, etc.

May Conley

Senior Thesis Advisor and Clinical Professional Mentor

Advising hours: 
Mondays 4-5pm
Wednesdays 1-2pm
Fridays 10am-12
Or by appointment via email
Area: Clinical
May is available to meet with students to discuss theses, senior essays, and graduate training and careers in psychology.

Senior Mentors (2023-2024)

These are senior mentors appointed by the DUS. If you have any questions about course selections and majoring in Psychology and want to talk to students who have been in similar situations, contact them!

Lisbette Acosta 

Hi, there! My name is Lisbette (she/her), and I am a student in Morse College studying Psychology and Education Studies on the pre-med track. I call both La Vega, Dominican Republic and Newington, Connecticut home, bridging the two locations with my research centered on improving the health outcomes of Eastern Caribbean adults at the Yale School of Medicine’s Equity Research and Innovation Center. I am conducting my senior thesis on the correlates between mental health status and chronic disease in Eastern Caribbean adults, a key population in studying chronic disease outcomes. I’m honored to be a senior mentor, and am excited to chat about any number of things, but particularly about studying psychology in an interdisciplinary manner through the lens of race, class, education, public health, and the history of medicine. I am interested in diversifying psychology research and practice so that it may reflect the interests and demographics of the national and global population. Reach out to chat about study tips, New Haven, pre-med life, building community at Yale and New Haven, the wonders of life, and your favorite coffee shops (mine is Fussy!). In my free time, you can find me studying myself and dancing to jazz.

Justice Brown

Hi y’all! My name is Justice, I’m originally from Alabama, and I’m a double major in psychology and ethnicity, race, & migration. When I first came to Yale, my passions primarily revolved around the ways in which social inequalities were (re)produced by laws, education, and policing as well as how they impacted communities of color on a psychological level. Recently, though, my interests have expanded to include potential mechanisms that can promote healing within these communities. This explorative journey has led me to my current research assistant position at the Social Perceptions and Communication Lab where I’m looking at how solidarity can be constructed or reduced between two historically marginalized groups. However, I’ve also had experience working in developmental psychology at the Leonard Learning Lab, where I conducted a virtual study centered around how children perceive the capabilities of other people. Outside of the lab, I volunteer with various youth social justice and leadership organizations, and I’m a member of the Yale Cheer Team. I would love to chat if you have any questions or interests surrounding double-majoring, getting involved with labs, or balancing work with athletics. Super excited to meet y’all!

Kendall Ertel

Hi everyone! I’m Kendall and I’m a senior Psychology major from Upstate New York. I’m also pursuing Yale’s Statistics & Data Science certificate, which I think can be a great compliment to the major for those potentially interested in doing research or who just like stats! I’m really glad I chose the psychology major (after, admittedly, much deliberation) because it has allowed me to explore many of my greatest interests- depression and anxiety risk factors and treatments, child socioemotional development, and holistic wellbeing- both inside and outside the classroom. I’ve been able to work with three different research labs during my time at Yale and am currently a research assistant in the Affect Regulation and Cognition Lab under Dr. Jutta Joormann. Through the psychology department, I have also been introduced to meaningful volunteer opportunities (such as working with the national Crisis Text Line!) and was fortunate enough to take a summer course on applied psychotherapy in Copenhagen through DIS, one of Yale’s approved study abroad programs. If you want to discuss the major, choosing classes, getting involved in a research lab, finding volunteer opportunities, or anything else, I’d really love to chat!

Erick Lopez

Hola todos! My name is Erick Lopez and I am a senior in Silliman College double majoring in Psychology on the Neuroscience Track and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology with a concentration in Neurobiology. I came to Yale as a “pure” psychology major but decided to switch to the Neuroscience Track as I began to take pre-med prerequisite courses. In my time at Yale, I’ve worked at a total of three labs (psychiatric, neuroscience, and biology), but this year, I’m continuing research with the Jensen Lab and Blumenfeld Lab to work on my senior theses. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about majoring in Psychology at Yale, especially if you have concerns about navigating the major as a pre-med, double major, disabled, or first-generation low-income student.







Stephan Oliveira

My name is Stephan Oliveira, I use he/him pronouns, and I’m a transfer student from a California community college completing the Bachelor of Science track of the psychology major at Yale College. My senior thesis is about inclusive gender categorization models for biological and behavioral sciences, with specific focus on how sex assigned at birth is a faulty construct for research to rely on. This year, I am applying to PsyD programs to work as a clinical psychologist specializing in psychotic disorders and trauma. I am additionally passionate about madness studies/anticolonial psychiatry because of my family’s experiences with pathologization of cultural practices as a consequence of colonialism in Brazil. I can speak confidently about navigating LGBT+ identity within the discipline of psychology, both as a professional navigating one’s own identity within academics and how to ethically and appropriately research LGBT+ populations. Generally, my focus as a psychology major is in applied psychology and I’ve been able to find creative niches on and off campus to fulfill those interests. Looking forward to getting the chance to speak with you!

Stephanie Owusu

Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie and I’m a senior majoring in Psychology B.S. with an Education Studies certificate, from Hamilton, NJ. Originally drawn to the neuroscience major, my trajectory shifted after a fulfilling role as a Teaching Assistant in a school for children with autism and studying abroad in Ghana and working in a special education classroom. This experience sparked a passion for understanding and supporting marginalized populations, particularly in the realms of autism, child psychology, and social-emotional learning.
     My academic pursuits have taken a multifaceted approach, aligning with my passion for education and social justice. Currently, I have the pleasure to work as a Research Assistant in the Education Collaboratory, a dynamic initiative that collaborates with schools and communities. This engagement allows me to contribute to the design, implementation, and evaluation of Social-Emotional Learning programs. This work and my senior thesis is aimed at achieving a crucial balance between academic rigor, practical relevance, and the lived realities of diverse students, schools, and communities. Outside of the classroom, I also work as a Head Student Assistant at the Afro-American Cultural Center, a Good Life Center Intern, and member of the Yale Gospel Choir.

      Navigating the academic landscape and choosing a major can be a challenging task. If you have questions about Psychology, navigating the Psychology Department as a  POC, volunteering opportunities, ideas you want to see in the Psychology department, or simply want to discuss your academic interests, I’m here to help and eagerly look forward to connecting with you!