Which PSYC Courses Count for Social Science (List A) vs Natural Science (List B)?

Because psychology is so diverse a subject, every student is required to take four courses from the list below. Two of these courses must be from the social science point of view in psychology (list A) and two must be from the natural science point of view in psychology (list B)

When describing which course counts for which the bluebook lists only the courses that are offered during the current academic year. For a more complete list of which courses count for which list, see the table below. Note that only psychology courses can count for these list A / B requirements. 


Core courses (100-level courses that end in zero) are highlighted in bold. Note that you must take one core course from each of the two lists before you graduate.


Courses that Count for the Social Science Side of Psychology (List A)

123        Psychology, biology & politics of food 

125        Child Development 

126        Attraction & close relationships 

127        Early childhood Methods 

128        Language, literacy, and play

131        Human Emotion

140        Developmental Psychology

150        Social Psychology

152        Moralities of Everyday Life

165        Personality Psychology

180        Abnormal Psychology

181        Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature

182        Perspectives on Human Nature

194        Educational Psychology

231        Research Methods in Happiness

232        Research Methods in Social Decision Making

250        Research Methods in Clinical Psychology

260        Research Methods in Behavioral Genetics

280        Research Methods in Cognitive Development

306        Nature, Nurture, and Human Behavior

314        Political Psychology

315        The Modern Unconscious

317        Psychology of Culture

319        Health Psychology

325        Social Development 

325        Moral Psychology

330        Psychology and the Law

332        Political Psychology

341        Emotions & social functioning 

342        Psychology of Gender 

343        Function/dysfunction

355        Clinical Psychology in the Community 

356        Clinical Psychology in the Community

363        Love and Attachment


Courses that Count for the Natural Science Side of Psychology (List B)

120        Brain & Thought: An Intro to the Human Brain 

130        Intro to Cognitive Science

137        Language and Mind 

147        Animal Models of Clinical Disorders

149        Language Abilities in Animals

160        Human Neuroscience

161        Drugs, Brain, and Behavior

163        Language Acquisition

170        Behavioral Neuroscience

171        Sex, Evolution, and Human Nature 

176        Basics of Learning & Memory 

190        Introduction to Clinical Neuroscience

191        The Biological Basis of Personality

220        Research Methods in Psycholinguistics 

230        Res. Methods in Human Neuroscience

240        Res. Meth in Conditioning & Learning 

260        Res. Meth in Behavioral Genetics

270        Res. Meth in Behavioral Neuroscience

301        Thinking

304        Mental Lives of Babies and Animals

311        Affective Neuroscience
318        General Phonetics 

320        Cognitive Neuroscience

321        Psychopharmacology

322        Evolution of Language

327        Language and Computation

331        Neurolinguistics

337        Mapping the Human Brain

338        Neuropsychology of Aging

350        Autism and related disorders

360        Topics in Syntax: Syntax-Semantics Interface 

362        Topics in Syntax: SLI

371        Animal Cognition 

376        Basics of Learning and Memory

391        Current Topics in Cognitive Science