What would be ideal times to complete each of the requirements for the neuroscience track?
Semester |
Course Name |
Ideal time to complete |
Notes |
PreReq |
Introductory Psychology |
Freshman |
Semester |
Course Name |
Ideal time to complete |
Notes |
PreReq |
Introductory Psychology |
Freshman |
No, if you have already placed out of these courses, then you do not need to take BIOL101/102 or BIOL 103/104.
The two advanced science courses must be chosen from Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology courses numbered 200 and above that deal with human and/or animal biology. We recommend the following courses: MCDB 200, 202, 205, 210, 240, 250, 300, 315, 320, E&EB 220, 225, and 240. Certain courses outside of these departments may also meet the advanced science requirement, including BENG 350, 421, CPSC 475, MB&B 300, 301, 420, 435,443, 452, MATH 222, 225, 230, 231, and STAT 241.
The senior requirement for the neuroscience track is the same as the senior requirement for the standard major except that your 400-level courses should have neuroscience content. As with the standard major, students pursuing the B.S.
Please email the Neuroscience track advisor, Dr. Stephanie Lazzaro, stephanie.lazzaro@yale.edu.
The neuroscience track is a special track within the Psychology Major for students who are interested in neuroscience. Such students are considered Psychology majors for whom the requirements have been modified to accommodate their interests, and to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of modern neuroscience and psychology. Interested students are encouraged to meet with the track adviser, Dr.